5 Common Asthma Myths and Facts

Being aware of facts v/s myths about asthma can help you take full benefit of the advances in asthma management.

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Are Bronchitis And Pneumonia Interrelated?

Mainly due to common symptoms, bronchitis is often mistaken for pneumonia and vice versa. Bronchitis and pneumonia are independent of each other, which means that one doesn’t necessarily lead to the other.

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Try These Exercises If You Suffer From COPD

People who tend to neglect physical activity due to their COPD usually suffer from a drop in muscle mass and cardiovascular function. Due to this, they find it difficult to breathe when completing even the simplest activity. The exercises mentioned are great for people who suffer from COPD. These exercises help strengthen the heart which benefits COPD patients in the long run.

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How To Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Some respiratory disorders like asthma don’t have any known causes, you can still take steps to keep your lungs healthy that can prevent other issues.

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What a Pulmonary Function Test Is and How One is Performed

Pulmonary Function Test or PFT is an umbrella term for the tests that are done to check the functioning of the lungs.

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Facts About Allergy-Induced Asthma You Must Know

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes inflammation in the airways and results in symptoms like wheezing, coughing, breathlessness, etc. It is a non-communicable disease that manifests as attacks of impaired breathing when exposed to certain conditions or allergens (a substance that causes allergy)

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