Do’s & Don’ts For Asthmatics During These Times

Asthma is a chronic condition which can be managed well with the help of the right treatment in these difficult times. It is important for asthmatics to manage their asthma triggers and take their long-term controller medicine as prescribed to prevent asthma episodes during these times. Unprecedented times like these can give rise to a lot of queries among the asthmatics on how they should take care of themselves.

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Tips To Control Asthma During Winter

The winter season comes with its own set of problems for asthmatics. Learn how you could prevent a winter asthma attack and live a normal life.

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Is It Possible To Stop Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler?

An asthma attack can range from mild to severe depending on the severity of the condition. The most reliable way to deal with an asthma attack is to use a rescuer inhaler.

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Are Different Treatment Options Available For Bronchitis And Asthma?

While most of the symptoms for asthma and bronchitis overlap with each other, how these symptoms present themselves is the distinguishing factor between the two.

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Tips For Managing Asthma During The Monsoon Season

High humidity, temperature changes, and other environmental factors during monsoons can have a negative effect on your asthma. Here’s how you can manage.

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Shortness Of Breath? Here's How You Can Cope With It

Dyspnea is a feeling of tightness in your chest, which causes difficulty in breathing. Here's How You Can Cope With It.

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