Are Bronchitis And Pneumonia Interrelated?

Mainly due to common symptoms, bronchitis is often mistaken for pneumonia and vice versa. Bronchitis and pneumonia are independent of each other, which means that one doesn’t necessarily lead to the other.

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Asthma for Non-Asthmatics

Asthma is one word that is known to people all over the world but the details of the condition usually remain hidden from the general public. Did you know that asthma is a condition that affects more than 3.5 crore individuals in India alone? With the second leg of #BerokZindagi being kicked off, we realized that it was time to bring non-asthmatics into the fold and educate them about the nitty-gritties of the condition.

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5 Signs Your Asthma Is Getting Worse

Asthma can get worse due to many reasons. It’s important to know how to control asthma and keep a check on your symptoms.

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How to Manage Nutrition When Dealing with COPD

More energy is required to breathe by people suffering from COPD compared to people without COPD. The right mix of nutrients in the diet can help a person with COPD breathe easier.

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Coping with Allergic Rhinitis in Winter

As allergy season approaches, patients with allergic rhinitis—also known as the uncommon cold—prepare for symptoms like sneezing, itchy nose, and itchy eyes.

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Difference Between Asthma And COPD

Both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) share similar characteristics, but they're not the same conditions. Read on to know the difference between Asthma And COPD in detail.

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