Breathefree Collaborates with Radio City to spread Good Advice for Good Breathing among asthmatics

India is a country of over 38 million asthmatics and ranks number 1 in Asthma deaths. Asthma is a chronic condition which can be managed well with the help of the right treatment.

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Facts About Allergy-Induced Asthma You Must Know

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder that causes inflammation in the airways and results in symptoms like wheezing, coughing, breathlessness, etc. It is a non-communicable disease that manifests as attacks of impaired breathing when exposed to certain conditions or allergens (a substance that causes allergy)

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Health Effects Of Smoking With Asthma

Smoking is a major risk factor for asthma and can affect the lives of those around you.

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How to Take Care of Asthma During Diwali

Diwali causes lots of pollution which could be hazardous for those suffering from asthma. Here's a list of few things which you can do to ensure you keep your asthma in control.

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FB Live Interview with Dr. Jaideep Gogtay

The interview hosted by Rajdeep Sardesai with Dr. Jaideep Gogtay, Senior Vice President at Cipla Ltd on the 26th of October, 2018, answers all your asthma related queries.

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Advantages & Limitations of Dry Powder Inhalers

Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are one of the newer types of inhalers, which became available commercially in the 1970s and become significantly more popular since then.

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