How Can Asthmatics Control An Anxiety Attack During These Times

Anxiety is one of the most common health conditions affecting the well being of an asthmatic. Anxiety is a feeling of unease. Both adults and children suffering from asthma are at risk of suffering from anxiety.

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Lifestyle Choices That Impact Asthma

5 lifestyle changes that can help keep your asthma under control

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How To Care For Your Child's Asthma During Winter

Children are more susceptible to the common cold and other diseases during the winter. This contributes to increasing the risks of asthma attacks in children.

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Tips To Control Asthma During Winter

The winter season comes with its own set of problems for asthmatics. Learn how you could prevent a winter asthma attack and live a normal life.

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Try These Exercises If You Suffer From COPD

People who tend to neglect physical activity due to their COPD usually suffer from a drop in muscle mass and cardiovascular function. Due to this, they find it difficult to breathe when completing even the simplest activity. The exercises mentioned are great for people who suffer from COPD. These exercises help strengthen the heart which benefits COPD patients in the long run.

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How To Reduce Asthma Triggers When You’re At Home

An asthma trigger is anything that brings on breathing troubles, coughing, breathlessness, wheezing or other similar symptoms for a person diagnosed with asthma.

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