What is Bronchial Asthma?

How to identify and deal with bronchial asthma

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Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid While Using Inhalers

An improper use of inhalers can lead to dangerous consequences. Read on to know the 10 common mistakes to avoid while using inhalers.

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Lifestyle Choices That Impact Asthma

5 lifestyle changes that can help keep your asthma under control

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Tips To Control Asthma During Winter

The winter season comes with its own set of problems for asthmatics. Learn how you could prevent a winter asthma attack and live a normal life.

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FB Live Interview with Dr. Jaideep Gogtay

The interview hosted by Rajdeep Sardesai with Dr. Jaideep Gogtay, Senior Vice President at Cipla Ltd on the 26th of October, 2018, answers all your asthma related queries.

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Advantages & Limitations of Dry Powder Inhalers

Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) are one of the newer types of inhalers, which became available commercially in the 1970s and become significantly more popular since then.

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