What is Bronchial Asthma?

How to identify and deal with bronchial asthma

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How To Know The Difference Between Asthma, Allergies, Cold & Flu

Although symptoms of common cold, flu, allergies and asthma may appear similar, fundamentally they are very different.

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Can Kids Outgrow Asthma?

The prevalence, prognosis and treatment of childhood asthma

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Do’s & Don’ts For Asthmatics During These Times

Asthma is a chronic condition which can be managed well with the help of the right treatment in these difficult times. It is important for asthmatics to manage their asthma triggers and take their long-term controller medicine as prescribed to prevent asthma episodes during these times. Unprecedented times like these can give rise to a lot of queries among the asthmatics on how they should take care of themselves.

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Ways To Monitor Your Asthma At Home During These Times

A proper asthma action plan from your doctor would help you to keep your asthma under control. Also, learn different ways how you can monitor your asthma at home during these times.

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Avoiding Exercise? You Don’t Have To With Asthm-active Life

It is not easy for an asthmatic to manage life alongside symptoms. Anything from weather change to unassuming dust irritants can trigger an asthma episode, and they would rather play it safe.

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