The History, Evolution and Future of Inhalers

Gliding into the evolution of inhalers over the centuries as a solution to the breathing problems.

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How to Take Care of Asthma During Diwali

Diwali causes lots of pollution which could be hazardous for those suffering from asthma. Here's a list of few things which you can do to ensure you keep your asthma in control.

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Here's Why You Should Always Pick Inhalers Over Oral Medication

While the condition is chronic and cannot be cured, with regular treatment, the condition can be managed and an asthmatic can lead a normal life. A few of the benefits of inhalers and inhalation therapy are as follows

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How Seasonal Changes Affect Allergic Rhinitis

If you're one of the millions of people who have seasonal allergic rhinitis, read on to know what you can do to be prepared.

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Steps to prevent COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is an incurable respiratory disease caused due to exposure to noxious particles and leads to airflow obstruction and irreversible damage to airways. By going through the right treatment, it can definitely be managed.

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Difference Between A Common Cold, Sinusitis And Allergic Rhinitis

Taking a closer look at the distinctions between common cold, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Understanding their symptoms and helping contain the spread.

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