Try These Exercises If You Suffer From COPD

People who tend to neglect physical activity due to their COPD usually suffer from a drop in muscle mass and cardiovascular function. Due to this, they find it difficult to breathe when completing even the simplest activity. The exercises mentioned are great for people who suffer from COPD. These exercises help strengthen the heart which benefits COPD patients in the long run.

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Causes and Risk Factors of COPD

COPD is caused by a number of reasons - smoking, pollution, exposure to chemical fumes and toxic substances being the most common. Read on to know more about the risk factors of COPD.

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Things You Must Know Before Using A Nebuliser At Home

Home nebuliser therapy is particularly effective in delivering medications to infants, small children& geriatric patients and to anyone who is unable to use inhalers with spacers.

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5 Signs Your Asthma Is Getting Worse

Asthma can get worse due to many reasons. It’s important to know how to control asthma and keep a check on your symptoms.

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How Does Weather Affect COPD?

COPD-related symptoms can become more aggravated due to changes in weather and extreme weather conditions. This is why COPD patients need to be especially careful about the weather.

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Shortness Of Breath? Here's How You Can Cope With It

Dyspnea is a feeling of tightness in your chest, which causes difficulty in breathing. Here's How You Can Cope With It.

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